“Musim adalah album berisikan 4 track dari Surau, proyek ambient dari Toro Elmar, yang sebelumnya sudah dikenal dengan proyek proyek musik lainnya seperti Amukredam, About The Drunker, Binatang Liar, xBreakxEdgex, Riuh, dan lainnya.
Musim adalah album yang konseptual, dengan judul judul track seperti Panas, Semi, Hujan, dan Kemarau yang memang adalah jenis jenis musim secara harafiah. Dalam album ini Toro Elmar memperlihatkan sisi lain dirinya dengan bebunyian bebunyian ambient dan suara gitar, serta intepretasi dirinya terhadap musim musim yang ada di dunia.”
– Adythia Utama (Individual Distortion, Depriver, Binatang Liar)
“Surau is the Ambient project of Toro Elmar. He is mostly known to be a member of the Indonesian Hardcore group Amukredam, his work as a visual artist, and his involvement in Sailboat Records among a multitude of other projects.
In Surau he explores the possibilities of soundscapes utilising both electronic and organic sound sources. Each song takes thematic cues from the weather and the seasons noticeable from their Indonesian song titles.
The release exhibits a serenity and at times a slightly dark undertone all whilst displaying a distant sense of longing and belonging. Perhaps in analogue towards the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, a city he calls home which is not particularly known for it’s great weather or environment.
Under Surau, Toro cites The Album Leaf and Tim Hecker as influences among others. This is his first release under the moniker.”
– Emil Raji (Hikari Todo, A City Sorrow Built, xBreakxEdgex)
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Email: toroelmar@gmail.com